To start with, I handmade the invites. I designed them in plain old Word and printed them on my own home printer. I took them to the next step by sewing a sleeve and a button on each of them. I must give a special shout out to my mom for her help in the assembly line!
I told Andrea to be sure to bring her sweet tooth to the shower. We had fresh fruit and chocolate covered marshmallows (one of my easy go-to items, this time embellished to look like buttons...which they did, if you squinted and used your imagination), but the pride and joy of the shower were the cupcakes. Oh, the cupcakes. They. Were. Amazing. Triple Chocolate and Lemon Velvet, ordered from my new favorite place in Valley Junction, Carefree Patisserie. I can't say enough wonderful things about these cupcakes.
All in all, I think everyone had a great time. We didn't play any shower games, but rather just had an enjoyable time to chat and tell stories. I didn't have much to contribute in terms of advice, but many of the other gals did, and they had funny stories, too!
As a hostess trying to make sure all of the details of the morning were flowing smoothly, I failed at taking pictures of the gifts. I can, however, share my gift to Andrea and baby. The first thing I got her was this print.
I have had my eye on this for a long time for myself, but since I didn't have a reason to buy it for me, I knew Andrea would like it (plus I cleared it with her husband behind her back!). The second thing I gave her was a handmade creation - I made fabric alphabet blocks. I totally winged the process sans pattern, but I really like how they turned out. (Stay tuned for a future post where I explain how I made them.) Here is the first batch.
Overall, I had a really great time throwing the shower for Andrea. I will say, thanks to Byron, my house had never been so clean. I also owe a huge thank you to our friend Wynn who helped tremendously with the shower. I couldn't have done it without her! Now I can just sit back and wait until I get the chance to meet Baby Davey in person!
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