Monday, July 7, 2014


This isn't really a Fourth of July recap, but rather too many pictures of my adorable baby.  On the third of July, we got together with our neighbors who have a little boy just a little bit older than Mason.  They are best buddies.  We just did a few little snakes and sparklers, because apparently those are the only type of legal "fireworks" there are.  But either way, I knew the little boys would have a ball, so I grabbed my camera and tried to catch the magic.  I just love experiencing new things with our boy.
These boys.  Here they are looking at the first snakes to emerge.  What is going to happen?!?!?!

 This is the one where I told them to scream.  Ha!  Oh, and Byron is totally faking.
Mason's first sparkler.
And this is the one where I told the boys to give each other a hug.  Kellen went in for it, and Mason, well, he wanted no part.

Oh, that kid!  Now right about here, something hilarious happened.  I was looking through the 200+ pictures I took (in 15 minutes, I KNOW!) and in pictures like the two right above this, I turn to whoever is next to me and say "Look at that face!"  Not long after that, I was looking at them with Mason and with the exact same tone and inflection he turned to Byron and I and said "Look at that face!"  I'm sure parents everywhere experience this, but it was one of the first times that he repeated me and it totally caught me off guard.  (To be fair, probably the first thing he repeated that I say was "Oh, crap!"  Whoops.)  But anyway, I just can't help it.  LOOK AT THAT FACE, PEOPLE!  Have you ever seen anything cuter?  I have not.

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