Sunday, April 29, 2012


Since Mason was born 9 months ago, Byron and I had only been on one date.  It's pretty sad, I know.  So I planned a secret date for him.  I bought tickets to a show and arranged for a babysitter weeks in advance, and then just anxiously awaited for the big day to arrive.  It wasn't until the babysitters (our niece & nephew) that I arrived that I told him our plans.  He really thought I was messing with him.  I just like to think I was the wife of the year.
So off we went to a downtown restaurant called Americana.  I had only been once and Byron had never been, and he really liked it.  The only thing that didn't go 100% according to plan was that we ran out of time for dessert!  Oh well.
When dinner was over we zipped to the other side of downtown to catch a show called Memphis.  Oh man, it was so good!  At the end of the first act, I had tears streaming down my face, which is a good sign that I'm into the show.  And then at the end of the second act, I was doing what I like to call listening with my body.  I was pretty much dancing along with the cast from my seat.  I can't help it.  Although we both stayed up way past our bedtimes, it was totally worth it.  I hope that we have another one sometime in the next 4.5 months!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


So, hey.  I took a little break from blogging.  I didn't mean for the break to be quite this long.  I didn't even really intend to take a break, but it just happened.  And the main reason is, motherhood is hard.  I found that my time was the most precious thing I had, and I wanted to use it spending time with my family, rather than uploading photos and sitting in front of a computer.  I wanted to live our life, not just write about it.
But eventually, life wasn't so stressful.  Although Mason has only slept through the night once in the past six months, I'm slowly finding balance.  So here I am.
The little rascal that has been distracting me these past few months.
And believe it or not, every once in awhile I find the time to do little projects.  And make little changes to my home.  And go on adventures with my family.  And I do plan to share them here.  I just can't promise how often.  But without further ado, a little project that I whipped up for a special little lady who made her debut earlier this year.
These may look familiar.  When time is scarce, taking on a name is much more achievable than the entire alphabet.  Lesson learned.  It was so much fun to choose the girly color palette.  I love this as a gift, but I really should think about making these for my own child. Anyway, that's just one of the projects that I accomplished on my hiatus!